
Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, may first develop in children and preteens for a variety of reasons. The good news is that most cases are mild and don’t cause any problems. It’s important to have a chiropractor or orthopedic surgeon check children regularly every four to six months to track progression. If it worsens considerably, surgery may be needed.

chiropractorParents may hesitate to have their children undergo surgery for scoliosis treatment. Waiting until adulthood is a mistake, however. It’s especially important to treat scoliosis promptly when it occurs in children. A curve in a child will increase in size as the child grows in their teenage years. If surgery is delayed, an even more serious procedure may be required down the line.

Putting off surgery can also lead to discomfort and potential deformity. In the worst-case scenario, scoliosis left untreated can even impede physical activities and cause difficulty breathing.

All that said, surgery is not always a must. It depends largely on the child’s age and the degree of the curve. If the individual is already 15 years or older and minimal additional growth is expected, the situation is less urgent. If the curve is no more than 40 degrees, you also may want to wait and see how it progresses before committing to surgery.

An open and honest discussion with an orthopedic surgeon will help determine whether surgery is the right solution. They may recommend non-invasive treatment from a chiropractor to help control the condition’s progress. With appropriate oversight, children rarely need serious treatments like bracing or surgery. Usually, adequate chiropractic treatment is enough.


If you suspect your child may be suffering from scoliosis and you’re interested in chiropractic care, don’t delay! Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential. For a chiropractor in Soldotna, AK, look to West Chiropractic Clinic. Known for their friendly team and exceptional reflexology and spine adjustment services, they are the area’s go-to pros for back health issues. You can find out more about their services online. For an appointment, call (907) 262-9171.
