
As with most health conditions, when it comes to gum disease, prevention is easier and more effective than treatment. Treatment for gum disease can be complicated and invasive, and once the disease progresses from the early stages into periodontitis, it’s difficult to reverse the damage. The best way to prevent gum disease is by visiting your family dentist for teeth cleaning twice a year and practicing good oral hygiene at home. 119 Bridge Dental Care in Portland, MI, is here with five simple ways you can keep your gums healthy.

5 Tips for Preventing Gum Disease

dentistEat a Healthy Diet

This is often overlooked, but eating a healthy diet is just as important for oral health as brushing and flossing. Eating vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables while avoiding refined sugar will promote healthy teeth and gums.

Visit Your Dentist

Visiting your dentist for a check-up and teeth cleaning twice a year will not only remove the built-up plaque that causes gum disease, but it will also make you aware of possible warning signs. If your dentist notices early signs of gingivitis, you’ll be able to correct the problem by being more attentive to oral hygiene at home.

Floss Daily

Flossing at least once a day keeps your gums healthy and removes plaque from between your teeth, which brushing alone won’t remove. 

Brush Properly

Brush your teeth in soft, circular motions for two to three minutes twice a day, making sure to reach your molars and along the gum line. Finishing with mouthwash is also a good idea, and your dentist may recommend it if you’re prone to gum disease.

Avoid Tobacco

Tobacco is one of the leading causes of gum disease and oral cancer. Avoid tobacco use to keep your mouth healthy and reduce your risk for disease.

Preventing gum disease is easy when you have good habits and make healthy choices at home. Visiting your dentist for teeth cleanings will also help prevent gum disease, cavities, and other problems before they become serious. For family dental care in Portland, MI, call 119 Bridge Dental Care at (517) 647­-4511 and visit them online.
