
Osteoporosis causes bones to become fragile and is often caused by age, vitamin deficiencies, and hormonal changes. While medications can help reduce bone density loss, many people want to make other lifestyle changes to help their symptoms.

Fairview Clinic, P.C. in Dothan, AL, is staffed by physicians who focus on integrating such changes into your overall treatment program to improve your health. Here, they recommend five tips for self-managing your osteoporosis.

Have Osteoporosis? 5 Lifestyle Changes You Should Make

1. Alter Your Diet

Have your physician run a blood test to determine which nutrients you should add to your diet. Then, turn to the foods that contain ample amounts of each substance. Low-fat dairy is a great example of a good source of calcium, while dark, leafy greens are full of vitamins A, B, and C. 

2. Take Supplements

Speak with your doctor about vitamin and mineral supplements that may enhance your diet and improve your osteoporosis symptoms. Multivitamins offer several beneficial substances, while single-dose supplements are more specialized. Your physician may recommend a mix of both to address osteoporosis-related deficiencies.

3. Avoid Soda

osteoporosisEveryone knows pop is bad for your teeth, but did you know it also blocks your body from properly absorbing calcium? Skip the soda and opt for water, low-sugar juice, or calcium-fortified milk the next time you’re thirsty.

4. Skip Caffeine, Alcohol, & Smoking

Caffeinated beverages are diuretics and increase the amount of calcium that is excreted from the body during urination. Alcohol and nicotine can cause your body to lose more calcium than you are intaking, worsening the effects of osteoporosis. 

5. Exercise

Many people think having osteoporosis means they can’t exercise, as their bodies are too fragile. However, being physically active plays a huge role in having strong bones. Improving your muscle tissue density can also have positive impacts on your osteoporosis by preventing further bone density loss. Talk with your physician about an exercise plan that is safe for you. 

If you need help managing your osteoporosis, try calling the primary physicians of Fairview Clinic, P.C. at (334) 794-3192. Or, visit the website to learn more about patient-centered care, early diagnosis, and ongoing osteoporosis monitoring through bone density scans.
