
A wooded yard is highly desirable for many homeowners. From their majesty to their shade, healthy trees offer homeowners a number of benefits. But as trees get older and lose their health, it’s important to know when to call a tree care service for help. 

5 Signs Your Home Needs Tree Removal

1. A Cluttered Roof

If your roof is covered in leaves, branches, or other tree debris, trimming back branches is a good place to start. Removing the trees contributing to the problem might be the best solution.

2. Dangerous Leaning

As trees grow, their root and soil situations can shift, causing them to lean in one direction. A small lean is usually nothing to be worried about, but a tree tilting toward your home should be assessed by a tree care professional and removed if necessary.

3. Tree Health

tree careDead branches, exposed roots, and sprouts emerging from the trunk of a tree are all signs it’s declining in health or already dead. If you suspect a tree is in poor health, have it evaluated by a certified arborist or tree care specialist.  

4. Proximity to Power Lines

If you have large trees or branches hanging over power lines that are in danger of falling, have them removed as soon as possible. You’ll eliminate the chances of a preventable power outage for your home and possibly your neighbors as well.

5. Don’t Forget the Roots

The roots of a tree determine its health and ability to stand confidently near your home. If you’ve had work done that has damaged a root system or notice roots rising out of the ground, call an arborist and plan for possible tree removal.


If you have questions about the health of your trees or are ready to set up an appointment in the Ozark, AL, area, call the professional tree care team at Fairview Tree Service. Their years of expert service have made them one of the most trusted names in residential and commercial tree services across Alabama. Call (334) 774-0794 to see how their services can help your trees stay healthy and out of harm’s way.
