
The fertilization part of lawn care can be complicated if you’re not familiar with the process. However, it’s important to do so to maintain a lush, healthy, and verdant yard. The landscaping experts at Myers Lawn Care Services in Sykesville, MD, are passionate about helping you create the a beautiful and healthy lawn. Here, they share their knowledge and experience on how to properly use fertilizer.

4 Fertilizing Lawn Care Tips

1. Water Strategically

lawn careFertilizer won’t work well when your lawn is dried out or soaking wet. If it's too dry, it won't adhere to the soil, and if it's too wet, the fertilizer will stick to the grass instead. Wait about two days after thoroughly watering or irrigating your lawn before applying fertilizer. Then, lightly water your grass again; this helps move the treatment directly into the soil.

2. Aerate First

Aeration is the process of creating holes in the soil so water, air, and fertilizer can directly reach the roots. How often you should aerate your lawn depends on its needs, but if you plan on applying fertilizer, always do so beforehand so it will distribute evenly.

3. Use a Spreader

For the best application of fertilizer, utilize a spreader that is appropriate for the size of your lawn. For larger yards, use a rotary or broadcast spreader, and for smaller lawns, a handheld broadcast spreader will work well. No matter which one you use, work slowly and in an even pattern. Slightly overlap your last pass so you don't miss any spots.

4. Try Grasscycling

After mowing, leave the grass clippings on top of the lawn. Since grass also contains nitrogen, it will partially contribute to fertilization as it decomposes. You will still need to apply fertilizer, but grasscycling can help you reduce the amount you need to add.

If you're uncertain about the best ways to fertilize your yard, rely on the professionals at Myers Lawn Care Services. They can provide basic lawn care services, as well a full landscape design. To learn more about how they can make your garden grow, visit their website or call them today at (443) 398-2960.
