
When it comes to preserving the health and longevity of your teeth and gums, nothing compares to maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Proper oral hygiene practices will help to protect your teeth against stains, cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. These habits have also been linked to a lower incidence of oral cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Andrea M Bertotto DDS, a family dentist in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, works to encourage excellent oral hygiene habits in all of her patients.

Below, this dentist lists several habits you should develop to protect the health of your teeth and gums:

1. Brush at Least Twice Each Day

Brushing twice a day helps to keep your teeth clean by removing plaque and other debris from teeth’s surfaces. Regular brushing also protects against germs, bad breath, and prevents stains from forming.

2. Floss Daily

In addition to brushing, you should also floss your teeth at least once a day. Flossing allows you to clean in tight areas between the teeth where a traditional toothbrush cannot reach. Regular flossing also helps protect against gingivitis and tooth decay by keeping your gums clear of food debris and sugar.

family dentist3. Do Not Smoke

There’s a myriad of reasons to avoid smoking cigarettes, and these reasons include your oral health. The tar from cigarettes can cause stains and yellowing of the teeth, and the chemicals inside cigarettes may also contribute to the development of oral cancers. Protect your oral health by not smoking, or quitting if you currently smoke.

4. Limit the Intake of Sugars

Excess sugar consumption can wear away at the tooth’s enamel, resulting in cavities and other forms of tooth decay. To protect the strength of your teeth, cut out foods and beverages with added sugars including candy, juices, and soft drinks. Replace these foods with healthier options such as water, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

5. Visit Your Dentist for Routine Checkups

In addition to these oral hygiene practices, it is important to visit your family dentist for a checkup and teeth cleaning at least twice a year. These visits will help to keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free, while also allowing your dentist to screen for conditions such as gum disease and oral cancer.

If you live in the area of Wisconsin Rapids and are in need of an exceptional family dentist, call the office of Andrea M Bertotto DDS at (715) 423-7160. For information on all of the services offered at this dental clinic including teeth whitening and tooth extraction, visit the website.
