
If you are facing charges for a drug crime, you have a lot at stake. Depending on the circumstances of your case, potential penalties include fines, a lengthy probation, and even jail time. Since a conviction can affect every aspect of your life, call a drug offense lawyer for representation. James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law in Cincinnati, OH, will assess your case and help you determine the best way to handle the charges.

A defense attorney can use several strategies to help you fight a drug charge. In some cases, the simplest approach is the most effective. For example, if you are facing a misdemeanor charge, it’s unlikely your case will be a priority for a busy prosecutor. If your drug offense lawyer approaches your case aggressively, it could require more time than it’s worth to the prosecuting attorney and you could negotiate a reduced sentence or even dismissal of the charges.

Drug offense lawyer Cincinnati OHIf you embark on a strong defense strategy and the prosecutor still wants to pursue the charges, you might avoid a conviction by attending a rehabilitation program for substance abuse instead of  receiving a jail sentence. After you pay fines associated with your case and complete the program, you could return to your everyday life without a criminal record.

Not all defendants are eligible to attend a diversion program. In this case, your drug offense lawyer might recommend challenging the means by which police acquired evidence against you. In the United States, evidence obtained under illegal search and seizure methods typically is inadmissible in court. If the prosecutor’s case against you is based on evidence the police secured unlawfully, it might be all the defense you need to have the charges dropped. If your case involves charges of constructive possession, in which drugs were found in your home or vehicle but were not yours, your attorney could argue you lacked knowledge and control of them.

If you are facing drug charges, turn to James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law in Cincinnati, OH, for excellent legal representation. Visit the firm online to learn more about their practice areas and experience defending clients against various charges, including juvenile delinquency and DUI defense. Call (513) 503-7251 to arrange a consultation with a drug offense lawyer and follow the firm on Twitter for legal tips and updates.
