
Introducing the discussion on assisted living to your parents is a difficult task that requires planning. It’s natural for them to be defensive about the suggestion, according to the elder care staff at GrandeVille Senior Living Community in Rochester, NY. However, there are many ways to start the conversation to ensure they understand the benefits and are comfortable.

5 Tips for Discussing Assisted Living With Your Parents

1. Plan

Whether it’s with siblings or by yourself, planning is the key to getting a discussion started. You know your parents best, so keep in mind how they react to these topics. You’ll be able to shape a better strategy around their personalities so the conversation feels less offensive and natural.

2. Educate Them

Assisted living means many things, so come prepared when you start the discussion. Bring information on several options so your parents understand the larger idea as well as the smaller details. Providing information through pamphlets and brochures in the beginning will give them plenty of real-world material to learn from.

3. Address the Pros & Cons

assisted livingMany parents’ natural reaction is to say, “Everything is fine right here at home.” Use this as a basis to compare pros and cons. Having educated them on assisted living, point out everyday tasks that could be made easier. Also, allow them to critique assisted living. You can use this to identify misconceptions that will help them see the benefits they haven’t realized.

4. Understand When Space Is Necessary

Your parents aren’t going to make drastic decisions on the spot, which is why you should recognize when to give them space. If they’re upset or angry, give them time to calm down. They’ll consider the options you’ve presented more rationally when they’re relaxed and may become more open to the idea at your next discussion.

5. Leave the Discussion Open-Ended

Giving your parents a deadline to make a decision about assisted living will only create more stress and adverse feelings. The discussion should be open-ended, feeling more like an ongoing, educated suggestion. This will give them plenty of time to think, learn, and consider. Therefore, allowing them to come to a decision in a much healthier state of mind.

If you’re considering assisted living solutions for your parents or a loved one, turn to GrandeVille Senior Living Community. Their compassionate staff is dedicated to creating a caring, attentive senior living environment. Call (585) 621-6160 to speak to a representative, and visit their website and Facebook page to learn more.
