
Dental crowns and veneers are high-quality options for restoring the function and beauty of your smile. Whether you have a chipped or broken tooth, dislike the appearance of your teeth, or have suffered tooth decay, both procedures help attain the desired results you’re looking for. At Kaimuki Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, the experienced dentists provide state-of-the-art restorative services that help patients smile brightly for a lifetime. Before committing to crowns, veneers, or another procedure, they ensure patients fully understand their options.

How to Decide Between Veneers & Crowns


veneersVeneers are ultra-thin sheets of tooth-like porcelain that a dentist overlays on the surface of an existing tooth. They are an excellent option to resolve discoloration and other imperfections like gaps, cracks, and cracks. Slightly crooked teeth may also benefit from veneers. While a veneer will restore the appearance of a slightly short or small tooth, there still needs to be sufficient surface area to adhere it to.


Dental crowns are caps, often made of tooth-colored porcelain, which the dentist places on top of the tooth. While veneers adhere to the front of the tooth, a dental crown fits right over top of it, encasing the entirety of visible bone. Often, crowns are used to protect weak, decayed, or severely damaged teeth.

The Breakdown

Ultimately, your dentist will help you make the right decision. While crowns are often used to restore the appearance of just one or two teeth, veneers are often placed on every visible tooth to create a smooth, streamlined appearance. Both are long-lasting, natural-looking options to restore the look, feel, and function of your smile. After they are implanted, you can continue to use and care for your teeth as usual.

To learn more about improving your smile, consult the professionals from Kaimuki Dental Group. Call the restorative dentistry office today at (808) 737-7905 or visit the website to learn more. You can find the team on Facebook.
