
If you’ve suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, you might be considering professional legal assistance. In Ruidoso, NM, many accident victims look to the services of Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. when in search of a seasoned personal injury lawyer. Since 1977, attorney Mitchell has devoted his legal prowess to preserving the rights of clients. Thanks to his expansive experience, he offers the following three situations when hiring a personal injury lawyer is a must.

Fault Is Disputed

In the event that an insurance company disputes who was at fault, you’ll need to compile certain evidence to show why the accident happened. Gathering the right type of evidence can be difficult, especially if you are still recovering from your injuries. An experienced accident lawyer will assist you in bringing together items like medical records and police reports, as well possibly reaching out to any witnesses to the incident.

Your Injuries Are Severe

personal injury lawyerYou should also consider hiring a personal injury lawyer if your injuries are particularly severe. Determining the severity of your injuries typically involves three factors, which include the total cost of medical treatments past and present, the nature of your injuries, and how long it will take you to make a complete recovery.

You’re Faced With a Long-Term/Permanent Disability

Of course, in some cases injuries incurred as a result of negligence can last for an extended period of time (e.g. for a year longer), or even be permanent. This will require making a disability claim, which can be a complex process for those lacking the right knowledge. A personal injury lawyer will provide guidance when making a claim, while also increasing your chance of being approved.

Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. and his skilled staff are dedicated to helping Ruidoso clients seek the justice they deserve. If you’d like more information on your rights, visit the law office online. You can also call (575) 257-3070 today to schedule your consultation with a knowledgeable and compassionate personal injury lawyer.
