
If you rely on dentures to fill out your smile and allow you to eat, you know how frustrating it can be when they don’t fit. To keep your smile comfortable and healthy, Statesboro, GA, dentist Larry G. Hubbard DDS offers custom-fitted dentures and adjustments. Below, this professional highlights some of the advantages this type of dental solution offers. 

4 Reasons You Need Well-Fitted Dentures

dentures1. Maintain Comfort

Dentures that slide, rub, and pinch can be a constant source of pain and discomfort. But when your dentures fit properly, they are stable and fixed in place. This is especially true if your dentures are supported by dental implants.

2. Build Confidence

Dentures that don’t fit properly are likely to fall out, which can make it hard to feel confident while smiling, laughing, speaking, or eating in front of others. A set of dentures that are properly fitted for your mouth will allow you to relax and be yourself without having to worry about any unexpected mishaps.

3. Aid Digestion

If you struggle to eat with your dentures, the poorly chewed food can cause digestive issues. This is especially troublesome for those who already have sensitive stomachs. But when your dentures fit the way they’re supposed to, you can rest assured that you will be able to eat properly.

4. Prevent Sores

As your dentures slide in your mouth, they rub against the gums and other soft tissues. This could result in blisters and even open sores which can become seriously infected. Eliminate the rubbing with a set of dentures that fit properly, and your mouth will stay healthy.

If you're experiencing problems due to dentures that don’t fit your mouth, turn to Larry G. Hubbard DDS to find the relief you deserve. Make an appointment today to be fitted by calling (912) 764-989. For more information on the services they offer, visit them online.
