
Summer is coming, and as the temperature creeps higher every week, it won’t be long before you’re clicking on the air conditioner for a little relief. But is your AC unit up to the task? Most ACs have a limited lifespan, and if yours has been around for 10 or 15 years, you might be reaching the end. Duncklee Cooling & Heating in Stonington, CT, recommends watching for these warning signs, so you can get any necessary repairs before summer sets in.

Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repairs

1. Poor Air Quality

If using your air conditioner aggravates allergies, causes coughing, or makes your home smell unpleasant, you need to replace your filter, and you may have bigger problems. If cleaning ducts and changing filters doesn’t improve the situation, call for a technician to have a look.

2. Loud Noises

air conditionerYou can often hear when your air conditioner is struggling. Whether it’s a loud fan, odd clunking or shrieking noises, or obvious stuttering and changes in rhythm, unusual noises from your AC mean it’s time to repair or even replace the unit.

3. Unusual Timing

Air conditioners cycle between running and pausing to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. If your AC is either constantly on, or switches on and off frequently, you may have the wrong size unit for your home.

4. Uneven Cooling

Older ACs tend to concentrate their cooling in one place, leaving the room frigid and the rest of the house warm. Newer systems keep the entire house a consistent temperature, so consider an upgrade before this summer.

5. Excessive Humidity

Air conditioners contain systems to limit the moisture they produce. If you’re noticing dampness, mildew, dripping, or stuffy, humid air, something may be wrong with your AC, and your best option is to call a professional.

If your AC shows signs of age or wear, Duncklee Cooling & Heating can help. Contact the skilled technicians, so they can repair or replace your air conditioning system before summer hits. You can reach them at (860) 535-2552 or online.
