
It never fails: Every spring you find yourself sharing your home with ants. Although they’re usually harmless, these tiny insects are a nuisance and can rapidly grow in number. A pest control company, such as Denning Pest Control in Jefferson City, MO, can resolve the issue quickly by terminating the nest, but it would be better to never have to deal with the bugs in the first place. Understanding ants' habits can help you prepare a defense before the issue even begins.

To help you protect your home, Denning Pest Control, a company with over 50 years experience, has shared some information on ant behavior, and why they are more active in the warmer months:

  • pest control companyHibernation: When you hear the word “hibernation”, you probably think of bears sleeping away the winter in a cave. However, ants hibernate throughout the cold months as well, which is why you only see them in the spring and summer time. To avoid the freezing temperatures, ants bury themselves below the ground, slow their metabolisms, and survive off of stored fat.

  • Wake Up Hungry: Because ants hibernate all winter, when they awake in the springtime, their bodies are low on food. By the time the weather warms up, they are desperate to replace the fat they have lost and begin preparing for their next hibernation.

  • Springtime Showers: Extreme temperatures and weather conditions will drive ants to seek shelter. With spring comes storm season for many states in the U.S., and ants are more motivated to find a way into your home in order to survive. Excessive heat or dryness will also cause ants to move indoors. Once inside, if an ant discovers leftover food or crumbs, they will communicate with their colony, and a line of hungry, busy insects can form overnight.

When you understand ant behavior and why they are most active in warmer weather, you can better prepare for them. Denning Pest Control of Jefferson City, MO, specializes in termite control, bed bug treatment, and ant control. For professional help in preventing an insect invasion, visit their website or call (573) 442-4010 today.
