
Given that your child won’t keep their baby teeth forever, it might seem like it’s not a huge deal if this temporary set isn’t perfectly maintained. In fact, any kids dentist will tell you that baby teeth determine future dental health. Losing a tooth prematurely due to decay can cause an adult tooth to grow in incorrectly, leading to crowding and a crooked smile. According to the National Institutes of Health, 42% of kids ages two to 11 develop dental cavities. Make sure your little one doesn’t become part of these statistics by following these kids dental tips.

Kids Dentists Provide 5 Tips for Preventing Toddler Tooth Decay

1. Brush & Floss Regularly

As soon as your child’s first tooth emerges, you should begin brushing twice a day with a small toothbrush and water. After age two, you can start using a bit of fluoride toothpaste. Once your little one has two teeth that touch, you can also incorporate flossing.

2. Instill Good Oral Care Habits

Eventually, your child needs to learn how to care for their own teeth and gums. Equip them with the tools they will need to get the job done right. For instance, they can watch these short videos on a tablet while they clean their teeth, motivating them to keep brushing for a full two minutes.

3. Encourage Healthy Eating

Keep kids away from foods and drinks with extraneous sugar, like sweets and sodas. Hard candies and gummies can be especially damaging, as they tend to stick to teeth and promote the growth of plaque-producing bacteria.

4. Don’t Forget About dentistryCalcium

A well-balanced diet is especially important for growing kids. Calcium is an essential part of daily nutrition for little ones, as it helps build strong bones and teeth.

5. Visit a Kids Dentist Regularly

You should take your little to visit a pediatric dentistry professional as soon as their first teeth come in—or no later than their first birthday. This ensures that any problems, from developmental issues to cavities, are caught and fixed early.


If you’re in need of a board-certified kids dentist in the Ewa Beach, HI, area, look to Keiki Dental. Do Yongsok, DMD, and his team specialize in child-friendly dentistry that will have your little one feeling at ease. Visit their website to find out more about their services or call (808) 680-9411 to schedule an appointment.
