
In the past, beef and pork have been demonized as sources of excess fat and contributors to heart disease. But dietary science is always progressing, and as scientists gain a better understanding of human nutritional needs and the role of food in our overall health, they've discovered prime-quality meats are a healthy part of a nutritious diet. 

Reasons to Eat Meat

1. No Connection to Heart Disease

Many types of meat are high in saturated fat, a quality which used to be tied to heart disease. However, a study by the Harvard School of Public Health shows no link between unprocessed red meat and heart disease. On the other hand, dietary fat is a valuable energy source.

2. An Optimal Nutrient Profile

beefProteins are composed of a variety of amino acids, several of which we cannot produce ourselves. Plant protein tends not to provide the amino acids we need, but beef and other meats contain just the right combinations of amino acids, promoting muscle growth and bone health. Several essential vitamins such as B12, which are not easily found in plants, are also plentiful in meat.

3. Suited to Our Digestive Systems

Humans are omnivores, with digestive systems that can't take full advantage of an all-plant diet. Our short digestive tracts are much more efficient at processing the fat and protein of meat.

While a vegetarian diet can be a healthy choice, there are few health reasons to avoid meat, and several to embrace it. For better muscle growth, healthier bones and efficient digestion, keep beef on your menu.


Sura Hawaii is a Korean barbecue restaurant in Honolulu, HI. Previously grouped under the 678 brand, Sura Hawaii now operates independently to provide delicious food and top-shelf service. Stop in today for an experience you can savor! Call 808-941-6678 for a reservation or visit them on Yelp for menus and more.
