
Styling your windows is an easy way to breathe new life into a room. At Kreative Kama’āina Enterprises, the leading window treatment manufacturer in Honolulu, Hawaii, you’ll find custom products to suit any window—even the most challenging ones.

Straightforward windows are easy enough to decorate with curtains, but other designs may require the magic touch of custom drapes.

Styles That Require Custom Window Treatments

1. Arch

Arched windows bring to any home an old-world appeal. While they are more complicated than traditional windows, they're still common. These lean windows feature rounded tops and a straight bottom (pictured in photo). They don't typically have an open and close functionality.

2. Bay

Honolulu, HI window treatmentsBay windows are ideal because they create more floor space and give the room the appearance of being bigger. These windows extend outward from the wall. Due to this piece of Victorian architecture's individual style, they require custom drapes for perfect fit and coverage.

3. Cathedral

Window treatmentsCathedral windows are similar to the arched windows in that they have a slim shape. The top, however, ends in a graceful point instead of an entirely rounded finish. Because of this, finding the right window dressing takes a professional's touch.

4. Circular Bay

window treatmentsCircular Bay Style window, sometimes called the Bow window, are gently curved and were also popular during the 18th century.  Hinges are usually placed on the side of each panel, so you'll still be able to open and close your window when you want to let in a breeze.

5. Corner

True to their name, corner windows are two adjacWindow treatmentsent windows that are situated in the corner of a room. This style is popular because it allows more light into a room and provide views of various directions. Due to their unusual configurations, these windows may prove trickier than the average window to style.

Thanks to the custom drapes and window treatments at Kreative Kama'aina Enterprises, you don't have to worry about running into a problem when dressing a uniquely shaped window. You'll find everything from blinds and window shades to shutters and draperies. By giving your window treatments a personalized touch, you can be confident they'll provide the stylish functionality you demand. Visit the company’s website to learn more, or call (808) 841-8731.
