
One of the most crucial aspects of septic tank maintenance is to have the experts conduct a periodic pumping. To make the process as easy and efficient as possible, it’s useful to be able to quickly identify the location of your septic tank. With some guidance from a top plumbing company like Carolina Pipe Cleaning, you’ll be able to find the right spot in no time. The technicians are always available to help you with any septic services you might need. 

Here are three tips for identifying the location of your septic tank: 

  • septic tankLocate the Blueprint: When your septic tank was installed, the technicians provided you with documentation related to the layout of your system. That diagram shows you exactly where on your property the top of the tank is located.
  • Use Geographic Cues: There are some environmental indicators you can use to approximate where your septic lid is stationed. You’ll want to scout out a patch of land away from any trees or bushes. As you look closer, scan for areas where grass has stopped growing—that’s where the lid would be. Another scouting tip is to look for severe changes in grade; sometimes lids will be found in a hollow. 
  • Follow the Sewer Pipe: Your septic tank is linked to your home by a sewer pipe. Start by identifying where that pipe leaves your basement. Then use a metal rod to probe the ground every few feet to follow the path of the pipe. Once you observe its trajectory, you should be able to walk right to the lid. 

The next time you need top-notch septic service, reach out to Carolina Pipe Cleaning. You can speak to a friendly staff representative by calling (704) 279-1151. Learn more about the company by visiting their website
