
The decision between furnace repair and new installation usually comes at a frantic time. Sometimes, the problem is simple, and a quick call to your heating service for a checkup is all it takes to fix the problem. Occasionally, however, there is a repair so expensive that it may be more cost-effective to replace it.

If you’re dealing with a faulty furnace and are trying to determine whether it warrants a full replacement, consider these three thoughts:

  • Prioritize Safety: Depending on the type of furnace trouble you are dealing with, there may be a safety hazard to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to replace it. If the furnace has a cracked part, for instance, you may be risking a dangerous gas leak that can put your family’s health at risk and should strongly consider replacement. Minor problems, like a faulty electrical component or blocked valves, can easily be repaired and do not pose a threat to your safety.
  • Understand Average Lifespan: Furnaces are built to last an average of 15 years, so if you’re dealing with one that is long past its expiration date, it’s time to replace it entirely. furnace repairInstead of paying for expensive repairs and outdated parts that are tricky to track down, talk to your local heating service to find out how the costs compare to installing a new device. Furnace repairs are usually rather reasonable, but when the unit is old and falling apart, you’re better off buying a new one and starting fresh.
  • Access Costs: There are several factors that go into the total cost of furnace repair or replacement that should be considered before making any final decisions. Each service provider offers different pricing breakdowns, so start by contacting your go-to heating service for an estimate. The size of your home will also play a role in how much you’ll ultimately spend to repair or replace its furnace, so weigh in on how much you can spend to fix it. A good rule of thumb is this—opt for replacement if the furnace is past three-quarters of its life span or if repairs are estimated to cost more than a third of the replacement price.


If you’re a homeowner in Russellville, AR, and are in the market for heater installation or repair, consider working with the team at Dependable Air Conditioning. With over 36 years of experience, this team of heating experts will give you all the insight you need to decide whether you need furnace repair or replacement. Visit them online, or give them a call at (479) 968-5555.
