
Drunk driving collisions are a serious issue around the country, and they often have devastating consequences. If you were involved in an accident with a drunk driver, you may simply plan on filing a claim with their insurance company, but what if the motorist doesn’t have coverage? Below, the personal injury attorneys from MacVean, Lewis, Sherwin & McDermott, P.C. in Middletown, NY, share three steps to take if you ever find yourself in such a situation.

Personal Injury Attorneys List 3 Steps to Take After an Accident With an Intoxicated & Uninsured Motorist

1. Talk to Your Insurance Provider

Talk to your insurance provider after the collision to confirm your coverage in the event of an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist. Under New York State law, you are not required to carry uninsured motorist coverage, but adding it to your policy is one way to protect yourself from financial strife following a serious car accident. If you have uninsured motorist coverage, a personal injury attorney will help you calculate the damages you incurred and prevent the insurance company from offering you a settlement that is anything less than fair.   

2. Consider Other Liable Parties

personal injury attorneyIn some drunk driving collisions, the motorist is not the only liable party. Your attorney will help you explore other avenues of compensation, which might include the establishment that over-served the inebriated motorist or the homeowner who provided alcohol if the motorist was under the age of 21.

3. Call an Attorney

Personal injury claims are complicated to begin with, and when an uninsured or intoxicated motorist is involved, they become even more complex. If neither of the above applies to you, that doesn’t necessarily mean your claim is worthless. Call an attorney as soon as your health stabilizes to discuss all possible options for securing compensation.

If you were injured in a car accident with an inebriated motorist who does not have insurance, turn to MacVean, Lewis, Sherwin & McDermott, P.C. in Middletown, NY. Check out the firm’s website to learn more about their additional areas of expertise, which include elder and corporate law, and call (845) 343-3000 to start building your case with the help of a personal injury attorney.
