
To say that Georgia summers are sweltering is an understatement. With the heat and humidity, the last thing you want is for your air conditioner to break at any point during the summer. Because the warmer season starts early in the spring and lasts through the fall, your air conditioner works long and hard. You should always have your unit inspected by an HVAC contractor before the heat sets in, but how long can you wait to make repairs if issues arise?

air conditionerAC maintenance should be done at least once a year to keep your unit running properly. A technician can monitor your machine over time and fix minor problems that could snowball into a major and expensive repair in the future.

If your machine starts acting up between these regularly scheduled appointments, there are certain AC problems that can be fixed with a little troubleshooting at home. But if cleaning off the condenser outside and turning your air conditioner off and on don’t get your AC running properly, you may have a bigger problem like a faulty motor or compressor. These issues will need professional repairs as soon as possible.  

Generally speaking, the life span of an air conditioner is about 15 years. If your unit is over 10 years old and needs a major repair, it might be more cost-effective to buy a brand new unit. As air conditioners age, repairs become more expensive and the unit becomes less efficient, meaning you waste money on energy bills.


Economy Heating & Air has been providing dependable and affordable HVAC services in Cornelia, GA, for 29 years. They do everything from servicing air conditioners and furnaces to replacing heat pumps and installing air purification systems. To make an appointment to get your AC serviced and repaired before summer sets in, call them at (706) 778-­2861. Visit their website for additional information.
