
Most products offered by Windows Plus are Energy Star rated for all 50 states.  So no matter where you live, chances are the replacement windows and entry doors you purchase from Windows Plus will exceed the minimum Energy Star ratings for your home.  But how do you find out what the recommended ratings are for your area?

Luckily, Energy Star has a climate zone finder for windows and doors.  Follow this link here to find out what those ratings are for your region.  Once you get the the webpage, simply enter your state and county to find out what the Energy Star ratings are for your locale.

One thing to note is that Energy Star ratings are constantly changing.  As technology becomes more advanced, the qualifications for Energy Star certification become more stringent.  Luckily, our Elements® windows not only meet, but far exceed the minimum energy efficiency ratings for Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky.  That’s why we say we offer the window of the future, today!

Whether you’re searching for entry doors or replacement windows in Dayton, Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky, know that Windows Plus will offer you state-of-the-art products with maximum energy efficiency.  
