
For many working parents, enrolling children in a summer camp program is a great option for reliable childcare services when school is out. However, summer programs have many benefits for your child beyond keeping them safe and supervised. As the premier childcare facility in Rochester, NY, Imagination Childcare Academy has an outstanding summer camp program to keep children both scholastically and physically active all season long.

Here, their caring and attentive staff explain just a few of the benefits of enrolling your child in a summer daycare program:

  • Emotional & Social Development: The school year is jam-packed with scholastic activities like homework and studying for tests, and the traditional classroom is curriculum-driven. Thus, opportunities for interacting with peers are limited when school is in session. In a camp setting, however, children are encouraged to play and interact with one another to promote healthy social and emotional development.

summer camp

  • Well-Rounded Education: Camp affords children the chance to explore the surrounding world in new ways. With a focus on outdoor activities as well as a unique curriculum supporting creative arts, science, language, and math, summer camp provides a robust learning program. As such, the concepts learned throughout the schoolyear are reinforced and expanded on during the summer months.
  • A Break From Electronics: From televisions to tablets, children as young as toddlers are surrounded by technology. While this has its advantages, it’s also important to foster a healthy curiosity in what lies beyond the screen. By getting a daily break from electronics, children’s minds are stimulated in a healthy way so they can strengthen skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and independence.

Don’t wait until school’s almost out to seek out reliable childcare services with an emphasis on active fun and learning this summer. Enroll your child in Imagination Childcare Academy’s summer camp program now by calling (585) 413-3948, or visit their website for more information. Don’t forget to like them on Facebook for updates and announcements.
