
With regular septic maintenance, your system can last for many years to come. However, many homeowners do not understand how to care for their system correctly. The team at Green Acres Septic Tank Service based in Fulton, Missouri, wants to help. They’ve debunked most common septic maintenance myths to help you better care for your system between maintenance calls:

Septic Systems Don’t Need Maintenance, Just Repair

While it would be nice if this were true, nothing could be further from the truth. Every septic system needs routine maintenance to work efficiently. You’ll want to schedule a full system pump every three to five years to ensure your system has no hidden issues that could quickly turn into major problems. However, that timeframe depends on the size of your family and how many bathrooms you have. If you’re not sure, call a professional.

Septic maintenanceThe System Needs Pumping Whenever It’s Full

This myth seems logical, but it’s false. Most families can fill a tank in as little as a week under normal usage. However, a full water level does not mean the reservoir needs to be pumped. Instead, measure the solids in the tank to determine if it’s time to schedule septic maintenance. Anytime you’re unsure if your tank is full, contact an experienced septic repair technician to survey the system and give their advice.

It’s Fine to Build on Top of the System

Your leach field may look like a tempting place to build a shed or a carport, but it’s best to avoid building anything on top of it. The structure beneath the top layer of soil is complex and can be damaged by excessive amounts of weight from new structures. Furthermore, if the leach field floods, your newly constructed shed may flood as well!

Avoid these myths and keep your septic tank in good condition year-round with septic repair from the experienced maintenance team at Green Acres Septic Tank Service. Learn more about their septic repair online and call (573) 529-6706 to schedule a free inspection.
