
Yearly gynecological examinations help women maintain their reproductive and sexual health, but the process can be intimidating for new patients. Even if you are not sexually active, visiting your gynecologist is an important part of preventive care. The experts at Genesee Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology in Rochester, NY, provide women with the health care they need, from annual exams to prenatal care. Below, they shed light on why it’s so important to get a yearly gynecological exam.

Cancer Detection

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advises all women have an annual gynecological exam. These appointments give your gynecologist a chance to detect and treat serious health issues.

gynecologist Rochester NYConditions like cervical cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer do not have obvious symptoms right away. The first signs of these conditions are often detected during women’s annual gynecological exams. Early detection is the key to surviving reproductive illnesses, and your yearly exams give you a better chance of doing so.

Birth Control Prescriptions

Whether you’re trying birth control for the first time or want to change your method, your gynecologist can help you find the right fit. Your appointment gives you the opportunity to discuss hormonal birth control pills or long-term options like an IUD or implant. By having a yearly examination, you and your gynecologist can talk about whether your current birth control regimen meets your needs or if it’s time to find a new approach.

STD & HIV Testing

Regular STD and HIV testing is essential for sexually active women, even if you’re in a monogamous relationship. The earlier an STD is detected, the sooner you can get treated before it gets worse or passed to others. STD and HIV testing can easily be done alongside your yearly Pap smear, allowing you to take control of your sexual health.

Menopause Treatments

As you age and approach menopause, your body goes through many changes that you might find difficult. A yearly gynecological exam will give you a chance to discuss these changes with your doctor and learn about the various hormonal treatments available to ease your symptoms.

When you need to schedule your next appointment with a gynecologist, the experts at Genesee Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology can address all your health care needs. Their compassionate and highly trained staff will make sure your next examination is comfortable and informative. Visit their website to learn more about their services and call (585) 232-3210 to set up an appointment.
