
If your child has a toothache, the pain can be distressing for them and you. Tooth pain is often a sign of a problem that needs prompt dental care, such as an advanced cavity or a tooth fracture. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to relieve pain and treat the cause of the problem. Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, recommends focusing on pain management first and then contacting your child's dentist for an exam.

First, look at your child's mouth and identify the problem. Children may complain of a toothache when they have a problem with the tongue, cheek, or gums. If the problem is a tooth, immediately schedule your child for dental care.

dental careIn the meantime, however, do what you can to relieve your child's discomfort. Help them brush and floss to remove any food on or between the teeth which may be further aggravating the problem. Even if there's nothing wrong with your child's mouth, a food particle wedged deeply between two teeth can be intensely uncomfortable, and cleaning may be the solution. Follow up by rinsing with warm salt water, which helps soothe the pain.

You can also try a cold compress and over-the-counter pain medication to reduce the swelling and pain. When using a cold compress, keep it on for 15 minutes and off for 20. Use pain medications according to the instructions on the package, unless you've received other instructions from a doctor or dentist. You can keep using the pain medication regularly until your child can get dental care.

A toothache is never a pleasant experience for children or adults. If your child is experiencing tooth pain, make a dental care appointment today. You can reach Honolulu's Pediatric Dental Group at (808) 593-8828, or send them a message online with any questions.
