
If you are missing any teeth due to gum disease, injury, or tooth decay, bridges and dentures are not your only options. For many patients, dental implants are an ideal way to fill any gaps and replace missing teeth. Dental implants are permanent tooth replacements that actually look and feel like real teeth, and they can also be better for your overall oral health than bridges or dentures. This is why the family dental care specialists at Magnolia Dental in Waynesboro, VA, recommend dental implants to patients who need one or more tooth replacements.

A dental implant is technically a replacement tooth root. It is a permanent device inserted into the jawbone and capped with a crown that is made to look and feel exactly like a real tooth. In fact, they're designed so well that the majority of people won’t even notice the difference between your real teeth and the dental implant.

dental implantsBecause they are permanent, speaking and eating will be more natural with dental implants than with a bridge or dentures. It will also be easier to clean in between your teeth, which helps you maintain your overall oral health. The only maintenance you need to do is brush, floss, and go to regularly scheduled teeth cleaning appointments twice a year.

However, not everyone is an ideal candidate for dental implants. Uncontrolled diabetes, smoking, alcoholism, and cancer can all weaken the jawbone, making it difficult to insert an implant. But if you are generally in good health and have strong bone density in your jaw, you are a great candidate. If you aren’t sure whether a dental implant is right for you, talk with your dentist about all of your options.

For more information about dental implants or to schedule an appointment, visit Magnolia Dental online or call their Waynesboro clinic at (540) 943-2723. You can also find the team on Facebook.
