
The enamel is the hard, mineralized outer coating that protects your teeth from decay. It is also responsible for acting as a barrier against bacteria and plaque and shields more sensitive parts of your teeth from hot and cold foods. Because it doesn’t have living tissue, it cannot regenerate once it is gone; protecting your enamel is incredibly important.

Anchorage Dental Center in Alaska is an elite dentist office for the entire family. With over 50 years’ experience, the dentists are well-equipped to help protect your tooth enamel. Keep your teeth healthy by following a few basic rules:

  • Avoid Sugary Drinks: Drinks, such as soda pop, though delicious and refreshing, contain a high amount of sugar; this is a leading cause of tooth decay and bacteria growth. Even diet sodas are too sweet and acidic for a healthy enamel. Try drinking fruit infused water or tea instead.
  • dentist enamelGo Easy on the Fruit: Citric fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes, are so acidic that, if eaten in excess, they can take a harsh toll on your enamel. Eat citric fruits in moderation; if you drink lemon water, try drinking with a straw so the lemon juice can go straight to the back of your throat and bypass your teeth altogether.
  • Practice Good Brushing: Refrain from brushing too soon after a meal. If you have eaten anything acidic, brushing your teeth can simply spread the acid around. Dentists recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after consuming acidic foods to brush your teeth, and move the toothbrush around using gentle strokes.

The enamel is an incredibly important part of your overall oral health. Anchorage Dental Center prides themselves in serving and educating the community on proper oral hygiene to help protect their teeth and enamel. For more information, visit their website or call (907) 278-2521 today. 
