
Exercise, nutrition, and stress can all impact your quality of life and your overall health. Finding ways to incorporate a more active lifestyle and healthy diet while reducing stress will affect you both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to find the time to decompress. That is why implementing easy, effective relaxation techniques into your day can help.

5 Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Stress

1. Take Deep Breaths

One of the easiest ways to reduce stress is to take a moment and breathe. Taking just five minutes to focus on your breath can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Try closing your eyes, sitting up straight, and paying careful attention to each deep breath you take. Inhale through your nose and out through your mouth.

2. Be Mindful

We live in a busy world where we are constantly connected and available. This doesn’t leave you much time to be mindful and present in your day. But putting down your electronic devices and becoming aware of your surroundings can help reduce your stress. Stopping for a moment and really focusing on the sights, sounds, and sensations around you will help you relax and refocus.

3. Move Your Body

nutritionAny movement you can incorporate into your day will help improve your health and reduce your stress levels. Gentle stretching at your desk, taking a yoga class at lunch, or going for a quick walk around the block are all ways to keep active and stay calm.

4. Meditate

Mediation is a great tool to combat stress, and it can be done in just a few minutes. Simply close your eyes and repeat a mantra of your choice, like “calm” or “peace,” while concentrating on your breath.

5. Eat a Healthy Snack

Many people turn to food when they are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. You can reduce the production of stress hormones and adrenaline by focusing on nutrition and making healthy snack choices. Oranges, pistachios, and raw veggies are all great stress-reducing food options.


Are you looking for ways to live a healthier life? If so, contact IMUA Orthopedics Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI. They offer wellness coaching and nutrition planning to help you live your best life. For more information on all of their services, including osteopathic manipulation and sports medicine, visit them online.  