
If you’re moving to Hawaii and bringing your pet along with you, it’s important to understand the pet quarantine regulation that the state requires so you’re prepared to move with your furry friend. As it can be an anxious experience being separating from your beloved furry friend, you can find kennels that you can trust.

In Hilo, HI, Bar-King Dog Kennel is a friendly pet boarding center that will take care of your pet during their quarantine period, ensuring a comfortable stay. Here’s everything you should know before making the trip to the big island.

What to Know About the Hawaii Pet Quarantine

What Is a Pet Quarantine?

A quarantine is a period of time where any dogs or cats coming into Hawaii have to be watched in kennels to ensure there are no signs of rabies. While your pet can stay at the State Animal Quarantine Station, Bar-King Dog Kennel can house your pet to monitor their behavior and ensure they’re rabies-free in a more convenient and comfortable environment.

They ensure every quarantined pet gets the love and attention they need to have an enjoyable experience. Depending on your pet’s qualifications, the time spent in quarantine can vary from: 120-days, a reduced quarantine or the five day or less program. The length of their stay will be determined by the Animal Quarantine Station and relayed to Bar-King Dog Kennel.

Why Does Hawaii Need One?

pet quarantineHawaii prides itself on being the only rabies-free state; they take extra precautions to stay that way. By monitoring each and every dog, cat, and carnivore that comes through the state, Hawaii ensures that no rabies would disrupt the public health or ecosystem.

What Should You Know?

You are responsible for paying for the quarantine program unless you’re a military member who is allocated certain funds for this. If you want to have your pet in the 5-day-or-less quarantine, make sure you have everything prepared ahead of time. You’ll need vaccination records, microchip identification, a blood sample, and undergo a waiting period before arriving in the state.

You’ll still be able to visit your pet in their kennels during quarantine, but visitors are limited to certain hours so be sure to get that information before moving. And, if you have a guide or service dog, contact the state for more information on being exempt.

If you’re moving to Hawaii with a pet, give the compassionate team at Bar-King Dog Kennel a call at (808) 966-8733 to check for quarantine or pet boarding availability. With a commitment to high-quality care and a dedication to giving love and attention, caretakers will ensure your pet is well taken care of and work with you to answer any questions you may have. To find out more information on their services, visit their website.
