
A flooded basement is one of the most common—and worst—plumbing disasters, able to destroy a home’s infrastructure from the inside out and contribute to mold and mildew growth. But one of the easiest ways to prevent flooded basements is through proper sump pump maintenance. Then, no matter how wet it gets outside, you can rest assured that your home will remain safe and dry. Below, Bernie Buchner explains a few ways to keep your sump pump in proper working order.

La Crosse, WI Plumbing Service Gives 5 Sump Pump Maintenance Tips

1. Perform Regular Tests

Preemptive care and inspections are the key to maintaining a reliable sump pump. Whether or not it’s pouring outside, go down to your sump pump every few weeks and test that it’s still functional by pouring a bucket of water into the pit; if starts up right away, you’re obviously in the clear. Why wait for the next rainy day to find out it’s broken?

2. Clean the Filter

Every rainy season, check your sump pump filter for mud and detritus. If you let too much accumulate, it will cause clogs and system shut-offs when you need your pump the most! To stay on top of maintenance, wipe your filter clean; then disconnect the pump, take it outside, and flush out the unit with a garden hose.

3. Clean the Sump Pit

The sunken area in your basement that houses your sump pump is called the sump pit, and it needs to stay clean too. To save time, clear it out right after removing your sump pump for cleaning.

4. Inspect the Outletplumbing

The safest electrical outlet for sump pumps and basement plumbing is a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlet, which is designed to trip in case of dangerous conditions. Since this will obviously cut off power to your pump, you may need to occasionally reset the outlet.

5. Know When to Replace Your Sump Pump

You’ll know it’s time for replacement if you frequently have to repair your sump pump or if it reaches about seven years of age.

Need plumbing services? Bernie Buchner is based in La Crosse, WI and is available for water softener installation, sump pump repairs, and more. To request an estimate, call (608) 784-9000, or visit their website for additional information about their services.
