
If you apply for Social Security disability benefits, whether you’re approved or denied depends on a variety of factors, including the hearing. You will testify about your situation and explain why you qualify for Social Security benefits. In one sense, the hearing works to your advantage because it’s an opportunity to explain your situation beyond answering the application’s generic questions. However, it could jeopardize your case if you make a mistake. The experienced personal injury lawyers at Stow, Garvin & Glenn in Gainesville, GA, understand the importance of your testimony and advise you how to approach your hearing.

How to Prepare for a Social Security Disability Hearing

1. Identify Your Biggest Issue

What is your biggest health concern, and how does it affect your day-to-day life? To establish a strong case, describe your disability in detail. Vague answers and noncommittal responses will not help your chances of receiving Social Security disability benefits. Practice describing your condition and listing the limitations and challenges it presents.

2. Devise an Answer for Every Anticipated QuestionSocial security disability Gainesville GA

You will have to answer questions regarding your capabilities, and it will not bode well for you if you do not have a response to, “How does your disability affect your strength/mobility/flexibility?” Prepare answers to predictable questions and practice going over your responses so you can communicate them effectively during your hearing.

3. Be Specific Whenever Possible

When you must answer questions honestly in a high-pressure environment, you might feel inclined to make succinct responses. However, offering details can make or break your case during a Social Security disability hearing. Try to be specific whenever possible to strengthen your case. For example, do not simply say you suffer chronic pain; say how much it hurts on a scale of 1–10.

If you are facing a Social Security disability hearing and want to be as prepared as possible, turn to Stow, Garvin & Glenn in Gainesville, GA. They have a thorough understanding of the process and will ensure you have the best chance of getting the benefits you need. Visit the firm online to learn more about their skilled legal team and call (706) 864-6674 to schedule a consultation. 
