
If you have missing teeth and you want to restore your smile with something more permanent than dentures, you may be a good candidate for a tooth implant. To discuss teeth implants and other restorative dentistry options with a skilled dentist, turn to BridgeView Dental Group in Kodiak, AK. Below, their friendly staff answers some of the most frequently asked questions regarding dental implants.

4 Common Questions About Tooth Implants

What Are the Benefits of Tooth Implants?

Unlike dentures, dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. They are composed of a crown and a titanium root that is inserted into the jawbone, and they are as strong and sturdy as your natural teeth. Additionally, because teeth implants have an artificial root, they prevent the natural deterioration of the jawbone that occurs when you are missing teeth.

What Are Endosteal Implants?

Endosteal implants are the most common kind of dental implant, and they are inserted directly into the jawbone. After performing a thorough oral exam, your dentist will let you know if you are eligible for endosteal implants.

What Are Subperiosteal Implants?

tooth implantIf you have a shallow jawbone and cannot undergo a restorative procedure to fix it, endosteal implants may not be an option. In such a scenario, your dentist might recommend subperiosteal implants, which are dental implants that are inserted under the gum line but above the jawbone.

What Should I Know Before Undergoing the Procedure?

Even though dental implants are essentially artificial teeth and do not decay or corrode, it’s critical that you take care of them as you would your natural teeth. This is perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind when trying to decide if the procedure is right for you.  If you lost your natural teeth to decay, make a commitment to take good care of your oral health before undergoing the procedure, as it is fairly invasive.

If you are interested in getting a tooth implant, turn to the team at BridgeView Dental Group. Check out their website to view the restorative dental care they provide, and call (907) 486-3257 to make an appointment today. You can also connect to their dental office on Facebook.
