
Don’t be surprised when you’re lounging on the beach and a pod of Hawaiian spinner dolphins shows up on the already breathtaking horizon. For a closer look, dolphin watching tours are the best way to see these native mammals in their natural habitat. Ko Olina Ocean Adventures in Kapolei, HI, gives vacationers and locals the opportunity to learn about spinner dolphins as part of what makes Hawaii magical. Here are a few facts about spinner dolphins you might not have known.

5 Facts About Spinner Dolphins You’ll Learn on a Dolphin Watching Adventure

1. A Name Like Any Other

It isn’t hard to figure out how spinner dolphins got their name. Spend time on a dolphin watching tour, and you’ll see them lift their powerful bodies out of the water to perform impressive acrobatic feats. Even young dolphins can jump out of the water and spin their bodies up to seven times before splashing back down.

2. Deep Sea Divers

While they live in the ocean, dolphins are actually mammals, and they need air to survive. But that doesn’t stop Hawaiian spinner dolphins from diving to depths of up to 1,000 feet. It helps that they can hold their breath for nearly 10 minutes.

3. Family Ties

dolphin watchingAs social animals, spinner dolphins live in large pods made up of family and friends. If you’re out sailing or snorkeling, you might come across a pod of 10 to 20 dolphins, but the biggest pods are made up 1,000 dolphins of all different ages.

4. Dolphin Communication

Pods spend time hunting for food and playing together, and communication is a big part of the pod dynamic. They communicate with a series of clicks and whistles, and each dolphin has a unique frequency. This way, every dolphin in the pod knows exactly who’s talking.

5. Modern Threats

Spinner dolphins can be found all throughout Hawaiian waters, but their population is seriously threatened by pollution, commercial fishing, and human-induced stress. If you want to swim with dolphins, do it through a credible tour company to help protect and respect their populations.

Ko Olina Ocean Adventures aims to educate the public about Hawaiian spinner dolphins through once-in-a-lifetime dolphin watching experiences. Call them at (808) 396-2068 to schedule your tour. You’ll also learn more about Hawaii’s marine life on Facebook.
