
As the weather warms in spring and summer, your children will be playing outdoors more often. This is wonderful for their health and happiness, but it also means that they have more opportunities to run into wildlife as they play. It’s important to make sure they know the rules for interacting with wildlife to keep them safe, and American Bio-Tech has some important tips on the subject. American Bio-Tech is your local animal control business in New Milford, CT, and they’re available to help with any animal removal services you need this summer.

Before you send your kids out to play, review these important safety tips when it comes to dealing with wild animals:

  • Do Not Approach Strange Dogs & Cats: Even if a dog or cat looks friendly, an unknown animal may not be a pet—it could be a stray. When an animal feels threatened, it could scratch or bite. Remind your child that they should steer clear of any unattended animals they see outside and let you know about any strays in the neighborhood. That will let you take action by calling animal control to help a lost pet or remove a stray.
  • animal controlWild Animals Aren’t Pets: Remind your children that they should leave wild animals alone. This includes rabbits, squirrels, frogs, and any other animal they may find outside. They may be cute, but it’s important to remind children that they aren’t like cartoon animals and can be dangerous. They also may not survive being played with, so it’s safer for both the animal and your child to leave them be.
  • Stay Alert: If your family enjoys hiking or walking on nature trails, it’s a great joy to see animals in their natural habitats. Just remember to stay alert at all times. If an animal crosses your path, stay still and avoid sudden movements until it passes. If you suspect something is amiss, alert a local wildlife control officer about your concerns.

If your children discover that an animal like a raccoon or groundhog has moved onto your property, you’ll want hire an animal control service right away to avoid potential conflict. Call American Bio-Tech to help remove a problem animal from your Connecticut property by calling (860) 355-1231, or visit their website for more information.
