
You missed your period, you took the test and you saw the plus sign or two pink lines. Congratulations! If this is your first pregnancy, you’re probably wondering what comes next, and when you’ll get to see your baby on the ultrasound screen.

You won’t have to wait long. Most OBGYN doctors recommend a first ultrasound around the sixth to eighth week of pregnancy. (Pregnancy weeks are counted beginning with the first missed period.) This means that as soon as you get that plus sign, you should call your doctor to schedule an appointment. Ultrasounds and regular prenatal visits with your OBGYN are critical to the health of both you and your baby during pregnancy.

In the first trimester, the fetus is very small, which means the ultrasound is typically done transvaginally to get the best picture of your developing baby. When you schedule the appointment, your doctor may ask that you arrive with a full bladder because ultrasound waves travel best through liquid.

ultrasoundThe ultrasound technician will gently insert a long, narrow instrument called a transvaginal ultrasound probe into your vagina. You might feel a small amount of discomfort, but the process is typically painless. The technician will move the wand around to get the best images of your baby. They’ll be checking the fetal heartbeat and the baby’s length from head to bottom.

Your doctor will use the information to estimate your due date, and will use the test to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. If you’re pregnant with multiples, this is typically when you’ll find out. The first ultrasound can also reveal uterine abnormalities or ovarian cysts. Your doctor will also send you home with a special item for the baby book—your first picture. If all is normal, your second ultrasound will be at week 20, in your second trimester.  


The doctors, nurses and experienced ultrasound technicians at TTNYD& D OBGYN in Honolulu, HI, will put you at ease during your annual exams and prenatal care appointments. With convenient daytime, evening and weekend hours, your ultrasounds, checkups and genetic testing can be done on your time. To schedule an appointment with Honolulu’s most trusted OBGYNs, call (808) 599-4200.
