
According to the American Cancer Society, 16,940 new cases of esophageal cancer were diagnosed in the United States in 2016. The good news is that 20% of patients now survive at least five years after diagnosis, compared to only 5% in the past. With April being Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month, Kona Community Hospital in Kealakekua, HI, is spreading the word. Read on for some key facts and prevention information from the local Kona hospital.

The esophagus is the hollow, muscular tube that connects your throat to your stomach. Esophageal cancer starts in the inner layer of the esophagus, known as the mucosa, and grows outward from there. Two types of cells can line the esophagus, so there are two main types of esophageal cancer that can develop — adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Kona hospitalThere is no known single cause of esophageal cancer. Some risk factors that have been identified include obesity, alcohol abuse, and smoking. It’s also known that men are three to four times more likely to develop the disease than women. Approximately 1 in 125 men in the U.S. will develop cancer of the esophagus, compared to 1 in 435 women.

Another risk factor is frequent exposure to stomach acid — due to frequent acid reflux, for instance. Physical issues such as a hiatus hernia may give rise to gastric esophageal reflux disease, or GERD. This is why Kona Community Hospital’s Heartburn and Reflux Program is especially involved in raising awareness around Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month.

The Heartburn and Reflux Program offers a cutting-edge, incision-less surgical service that treats the root cause of moderate to severe GERD, laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), and chronic acid reflux. Known as Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF), this state-of-the-art treatment is only available at this Kona hospital — no other provider in Hawaii offers it.

Potential signs of esophageal cancer include trouble swallowing, chest pain, weight loss, chronic cough, hiccups, and hoarseness. If you notice any of these symptoms, visit a medical professional as soon as possible.

You can find out more about Kona Community Hospital’s cancer services, as well as their Heartburn and Reflux Program, via their website. Located in Kealakekua, this local Kona hospital offers superior care and compassionate service you can count on. For more, find the hospital on Facebook.
