
It doesn’t have to be winter, and you don’t have to be sick for your household to benefit from a humidifier. When the air is dry, sickness spreads easier, skin becomes itchy, and healing is a long, drawn-out process. But when you have a humidifier to return moisture to the air, your family will be both happier and healthier. Colburns Heating & Air Conditioning provides southwestern New York and northwestern Pennsylvania with services designed to improve indoor air quality. A quality humidifier installed by their expert team may be your answer to a healthier lifestyle. 

5 Health Benefits of Using a Humidifier

Reduce Risk of Infections

Research has proven that germs have a harder time traveling between bodies when the air is properly humidified. When the air is dry, diseases easily jump from person to person, putting you at an elevated risk of infection.

Relieve Sinusitis

Dry air affects your sinuses by making it harder for them to drain and function properly. The result is painful congestion that leaves you stuffy and miserable, even when you don’t have a cold. A humidifier is also an effective way to relieve sinus pressure.

Heal Faster

If you do catch a cold or come down with the flu, a humidifier will help you get back on your feet faster. Your throat and nasal passages need to be moist to reduce coughing and sneezing.

Reduce Nosebleeds

If you frequently suffer from nosebleeds, dry air may be to blame. Keeping your nasal passages lubricated will help prevent the bleeding. If you live in a naturally dry climate, installing a humidifier may be a long-term solution.

Keep Skin Healthy

One of the most common complaints about dry air is that it makes skin itchy and flaky. Your lips are constantly chapped, your hands crack, and dryness can even cause the skin to age prematurely. Sleeping with a humidifier will leave your skin smooth and supple.

When you’re ready to improve the health of your household, call Colburns Heating & Air Conditioning at (716) 569-3695 to learn about their humidifier options, or visit their website. You’ll also find comfort and health tips related to heating and air conditioning systems on Facebook.
