
Now that November is under way, school is really in full swing and report card season is upon us. If you ask students, they’ll tell you that school can feel particularly stressful right around this time of year, with the pressure to get good grades really weighing on their minds. Luckily, the FasTracKids Learning Center is here to enhance your child’s educational experience and help them achieve the goals they set for themselves. Whether English or math assistance is needed, we are here to provide students with all the tools they need to succeed.

At FasTracKids we put an emphasis not only on the subjects we teach, but the actual process of learning as well. In each of our two hour lessons, we break up the material in easy-to-understand segments so that students never feel overwhelmed or left behind. Working in small groups, teachers are available to offer individualized attention so that the children can feel comfortable to ask for more help and constantly progress in their studies.

If you want to give your child the added boost they need to excel at school, now is the time. Make report card season a time for celebration, rather than a time for dread, by getting involved and finding out more about how the FasTracKids after-school tutoring program can help. We are currently offering a free class trial as well as placement evaluations to help determine which level is the best fit. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Set your child on the path for academic success today! 
