
Across the nation every day, 27 people die in auto accidents resulting from DUIs; this is equal to one-third of all accidents in the United States. In addition to the human toll, in 2013 the average cost per accident was $18,674.

Drinking and driving is a major problem which costs lives—one reason the penalties can be so steep. While Coyne, Cundiff & Hillemann, P.C. in Lake St Louis, Missouri, will always be there to help you defend against DUI charges, they would prefer you never have the need—which is why they recommend these three ways to prevent a DUI accident.

Ways to Prevent a DUI Accident

1. Plan Ahead

Before you head to a bar or a party, have a plan for the evening which includes a way to get home safely should you become intoxicated. Committing to a plan before you drink is much more effective than coming up with one when you may already be drunk.

2. Have a Designated Driver

Agree beforehand with the rest of your group as to who will skip the drinks—and make sure to do your fair share of volunteering for the role. Designated drivers do an outstanding job in preventing drunk driving. You may even find it comes with privileges like free soft drinks, depending on the location.

dui3. Call a Taxi

If you or someone around you doesn't have a designated driver, a cab or Uber is the next best choice. Have the number or app in your phone in case of last-minute emergencies.

4. Monitor Your Friends

While your primary responsibility is to make sure you don't drive drunk, you can also help safeguard others whose judgment may be impaired. Don't be afraid to take away someone’s keys or arrange a lift for someone who needs it.

5. Be Alert While Driving

Even if you do your best to be a safe driver, you don't know who you'll encounter on the road. Be alert for other drivers who are weaving or moving unpredictably, and keep your distance. If you can, call in anyone who seems to be impaired. Having them pulled over is better than letting them get into a crash—which may involve other innocent drivers.

A little effort and planning on your part can make the road much safer for you and everyone else. If you still end up facing a DWI charge, call Coyne, Cundiff & Hillemann, P.C. at (636) 561-5599 or contact them online.
