
Starting a garden can be an exciting time. In addition to providing you with beautiful plants and homegrown quality fruits and vegetables, gardening can be very therapeutic and provide you with a sense of deep satisfaction. If you have never gardened before, you may be overwhelmed and confused by all of the products on the market such as bulk mulch, fertilizers, and soil additives.

Below, the staff from Sunnyside Greenhouse, a garden nursery in Quaker City, Ohio, lists the essentials for starting a garden.

  1. Seeds: Seeds are the foundation of any garden, and you will need them whether you are planning a beautiful flower garden of sunflowers, marigolds, and zinnias, or a vegetable garden full of carrots and tomatoes. Make sure you have more than enough by purchasing bulk garden seeds.
  2. Space: Depending on the size of your home, and whether you live in a house or apartment, you may have a traditional garden in a yard, or a small window space dedicated to growing a few herbs and vegetables. The size of your garden does not matter as long as your plants have enough sunlight and space to grow.
  3. bulk mulchSoil: Soil gives your seeds a place from which to draw nutrients and spread their roots. There are many different types of soil available. However, loam soil is the kind preferred by most gardeners. Loam holds water and plant food well while ensuring good drainage. This helps your plants get enough water, air, and nutrients.
  4. Gardening Tools: If you are just beginning your garden, you will only need very basic tools such as gardening gloves, a hand spade and claw, pots, and perhaps some netting to divide your plants. As your garden expands and you begin to grow different flowers and vegetables, you may want to purchase a wheelbarrow, shovel, or hoe.
  5. Mulch: Mulch is an organic material made of decomposed plants and compost that helps to enrich the soil, promoting plant growth. Although mulch is not necessary for starting your garden, you should use it to help your garden to thrive. If your garden is large, purchasing bulk mulch will ensure you have more than enough for all of your plants.

For personalized help getting started with your garden, call (740) 489-5060 and speak with a friendly and knowledgeable staff member from Sunnyside Greenhouse. To view the products available including seeds, bulk mulch, perennials, and vegetable starter plants, visit the website today.
