
Millions of people in the United States wear braces, and when they finally come off, the retainer stage of orthodontics begins. Retainers are used to keep teeth in place during the time after braces are removed and before periodontal ligaments solidify in their new, straightened positions. Carolyn B. Crowell, DMD & Associates in Avon, OH recommends that patients use a retainer to preserve their newly aligned smiles, but not all these devices are the same.

Here are three common kinds of retainers to consider:

  • Hawley Retainer: Made from bendable wire and acrylic, Hawley retainers are adjustable and customizable. A wire goes across the front teeth and an acrylic center is perfectly molded to fit comfortably at the top of the mouth. These retainers can be customized in bright colors and patterns, and they’re easy to remove and clean.
  • Essix Retainer: Orthodontics Avon OHWhile Hawley retainers are impossible to hide, Essix retainers are more discreet. They resemble Invisalign® aligners because they’re made from clear plastic and are worn over the teeth. However, they prevent the upper and lower teeth from touching in a natural way. They also have a relatively short life span and can be difficult clean.
  • Permanent Bonded Retainer: Unlike the Hawley and Essix retainers, permanent bonded retainers are glued to the backs of and cannot be taken out. This kind of orthodontic device typically is used during the first six months after braces are removed. From there, orthodontists often recommend switching to a removable retainer. Permanent bonded retainers are hidden from view but make flossing difficult.

Retainers often are the last step in the orthodontics process, but choosing the right one will affect your smile for years. When you visit Carolyn B. Crowell, DMD & Associates for dental care, you’ll receive expert advice about the best retainer for your situation. To schedule an appointment for orthodontics, call (440) 934-0149, and visit their website to learn more about braces.  
