
During a divorce, there is a wide range of issues to resolve, and the more quickly and amicably they are handled, the easier the divorce will be for everyone involved. Who will get what assets? How will child custody be handled? A good divorce attorney makes the entire process more smooth. Osborne, Tripp & Schmidt, SC in Sparta, WI, recommends hiring a divorce attorney for these reasons.

Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Attorney

1. Speed Up Negotiations

Disagreements over how to divide finances and other terms of a divorce often results in long back-and-forth, especially if one or both spouses have an unrealistic idea of what they should get. Divorce attorneys can get the job done more quickly by serving as an impartial third party.

2. Keep Feelings Out of It

divorce attorneyThe worst part of any divorce proceeding is the moment when both parties are reminded why they are divorcing. Most divorces are based on irreconcilable conflicts — are brought up again, the whole legal process is bogged down. Working through a lawyer allows you to avoid direct contact with your spouse, which means avoiding those hot-button issues and giving you both space.

3. Protect Your Interests

In the midst of the divorce process, it's easy to make mistakes without even knowing the effect they'll have. Conceding a piece of property or making statements in the heat of the moment can have major consequences later. This is especially true during a contentious divorce, when your spouse may be looking for any advantage. A divorce attorney knows the common pitfalls and can warn you about what to look out for. They can also guide you through the necessary paperwork to simplify the process.

Having an experienced divorce attorney on your side can ease your transition into your new life. For representation during your divorce, call Osborne, Tripp & Schmidt, SC today at (608) 269-2400 or contact them online.
