
Scheduling an annual eye checkup is the best way to maintain healthy vision that lasts a lifetime. With ongoing care and routine exams, your eye doctor will be able to detect and address issues early. But what exactly can you do to prepare for your appointment? Here are three ways to get ready so you get the most out of your exam. 

3 Things to Do Before Your Eye Checkup

1. List Any Eye Problems

Have you noticed any changes in your vision since the last time you met with your eye doctor? If so, make a note of any strange or uncomfortable problems you’ve encountered, whether it’s irritation from your contacts, dry eyes, eye pain, or blurring vision. If your symptoms occur after a certain event, make a note of this as well to further assist your eye doctor in figuring out the source of the issue. 

2. Review New Health Developments

Eye CheckupYour vision can be connected to other ailments throughout your body. As such, it’s important to keep your eye doctor up to date on any new health developments. While it may seem unrelated, being diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, or even sustaining an injury can affect your vision. Talk to your doctor about any changes in your health during your eye checkup. 

3. Prepare Questions & Bring Your Glasses

During your eye checkup, it’s easy to get distracted by everything going on. In fact, you might walk out the door without addressing important questions about your vision, glasses, or contact lenses. To avoid missing an opportunity to discuss your eye care, prepare your questions in advance and bring your glasses or contacts with you. 


If you live in the Greater Whitefish, MT, area, and you’re looking for a trusted vision center to perform your annual eye checkup, call Whitefish Eye Center today at (406) 862-2020 to schedule your next appointment. To find out more about how these eye professionals can assist you with high-quality vision care services, check out their website
