
Perhaps your parents divorced, or you may be the first person in your family to have made the split; regardless, you may find it challenging as a parent to explain to your children that happy long-term relationships are out there for them in the future. The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot in Torrington, CT, is here to help you explain this to your children with three ways to approach the topic.

Straightforward but Kind

Keep the message to your child direct, yet warm, regardless of their age. This is not the time to be philosophical with your children, who crave reassurance from you. The common theme should be that whether you have found a potential partner or not, the possibility of a loving relationship is always there.

lawyerThe Right Message for Your Child’s Age

You are not going to have the same level of conversation with your three-year-old that you will with a high schooler. While you may hope your teenager is the same adoring child they were when they were seven, your dialogue and message must be age-appropriate. You may have found someone in your life who you describe to your four-year-old as a very good friend but as a potential partner to your adolescent child.

Listen & Respond

Your child is likely going to have many questions and opinions about relationships if there is someone new in your life. Be attentive to your child’s needs by paying careful attention to what they are asking and how you respond; regardless of their age. You and your former spouse may not be together, but it is up to you to instill in your child that trusting, loving, and healthy relationships can exist for everyone.

Talking about relationships with your children is only one of many post-divorce challenges you will face, which can include alimony negotiations and finding the right lawyer to handle your case. For a personable approach, The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot is available for you as a divorce and child support lawyer. Call Attorney Jeannine at (860) 482-9004, and visit her Facebook page for more information on her divorce lawyer services. 
