
Dental implants are metal or titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone underneath the gum line. Once implanted, your dentist will fit replacement teeth or bridges over the posts. If you currently have missing or broken teeth, your dentist may recommend getting dental implants over other solutions such as bridges or partial dentures.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Dental Implants?

dental implantsDental implants fuse with the jawbone, providing a permanent solution to missing or broken teeth. Unlike dentures, because the implants become a part of your jawbone, they will not shift or move. Additionally, dental implants do not require the surrounding teeth to be prepared or ground down the way they do with dental bridges.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Only your dentist can determine whether or not you will be a good candidate for dental implants. With that said, there are certain general requirements for receiving implants that all patients must fulfill. First, dental implants need adequate bone mass and healthy gums in order to take hold. This means that patients with gum disease or severe tooth decay may be unable to receive implants. Additionally, patients must be committed to their general oral health, including brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting their dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning. A dentist may not recommend dental implants for patients who have shown negligence with their oral health.

Will Insurance Cover My Dental Implants?

Coverage for procedures varies, so it is important to speak to your insurance provider to find out if your dental implants will be covered. Although they can restore function to the teeth, many insurance companies consider implants to be cosmetic dentistry and will typically cover less than 10% of the cost.


If you have questions regarding dental implants or other dentistry services, turn to Joy K. Lunan DDS in Middlebury, CT. Dr. Lunan has over 20 years of experience helping patients restore and improve their oral health. To learn more about her practice, visit the website today or call (203) 598-7920.
