
When people typically think of their HVAC system, they think about how well it can heat or cool their home. Less consideration is paid to how it can help improve indoor air quality. HVAC maintenance contributes to your home’s air quality, but how?

Stewart Air Conditioning & Heating can answer that question. They work with HVAC systems in Lexington, KY, and share a few ways your HVAC can generate a healthier indoor environment.

HVACs & Air Quality

Indoor air quality can be affected by a range of substances, including gasses and germs. Your HVAC circulates air through your home and uses various processes to both heat and cool it. Your HVAC can also impact the overall air quality through its ventilation process.


HVAC maintenanceOutdoor air is generally associated with improved indoor air quality, and your HVAC system brings in this air through an outdoor air intake. However, your HVAC also has filters that can play a role in your home’s air quality. These filters trap various contaminants and help improve the indoor environment.

HVAC Maintenance

Failing to properly maintain your HVAC system can lead to a breakdown in good air circulation and promote an unhealthy breathing environment. A rule of thumb for changing the air filter includes replacing them every two months; however, this can vary depending on where you live.

Areas further away from the city are less exposed to pollutants, and filters may need to be changed less often. You’ll also want to have duct cleaning performed from time to time. This process includes the cleaning of both heating and air conditioning systems, various air ducts, grills, and fans. This frees your system of any residual contaminants that can spread throughout your house.

Proper attention to your HVAC system will have you breathing easier, so call Stewart Air Conditioning & Heating if you need your system inspected. They’re also able to help with other issues, such as cooling and furnace repairs. To find out more about all their services, call (859) 252-4945, or visit their website.
