
Your company's car or truck is essentially a mobile billboard, and you're wasting a promotional opportunity if you leave it blank. DTM Signs and Truck Wraps, the premier sign company in Brooklyn, NY, explains how to prep your car or truck for a vehicle wrap that places your company logo and contact information where people can see it. They offer full-service fleet graphics design, printing, vinyl cutting, and installation to help you build awareness and improve your brand recognition.

3 Key Steps to Prepare for a Vehicle Wrap

1. Wash & Dry Vehicle

vehicle wrapThoroughly wash the vehicle to remove dirt and grime and give the signage a clean surface on which to adhere. Be sure to dry it thoroughly, including seams and underbody molding. Do not wax the vehicle! Wax prevents adhesion and reduces the lifespan of your vehicle wrap.

2. Inspect Vehicle for Residue

A single wash rarely removes all the road sludge, tar, and grease, and if these residues are not removed, they could cause the vehicle wrap to bubble and peel in spots. Use a scrub brush or stronger chemicals to remove stubborn materials. During this stage, remove any bumper stickers or decals and scrub the gummy residue clean.

3. Remove Mirrors, Light Fixtures & Emblems

The next step of the process is to remove side mirrors, light fixtures, and emblems to make the wrapping process easier. You are probably not equipped to perform this level of disassembly, so you can leave that to the fleet graphics company — they have the experience and expertise to do this quickly and efficiently.

Once the vehicle is thoroughly prepped, the vehicle wrap can be installed. DTM Signs and Truck Wraps, the leading car wrap, fleet graphics, and sign company in Brooklyn, provide inexpensive installation and effective signage to help your company attract a wider audience. Visit them online for contact info, or call (347) 312-5488  to schedule service with a friendly professional. You can also find the company on Facebook.
