
An engine oil change is an essential part of vehicle maintenance. It’s a simple task you can do on your own, be you must know how to handle and dispose of the used oil properly. If you’re in Kahului, HI, and your vehicle needs an oil change, you can purchase engine oil from United Auto Parts. They offer an extensive selection of automotive and truck parts, including car batteries and brake pads, as well as a variety of auto accessories. They will explain the effects of old engine oil and how to discard it after a change.

Substances in Used Engine Oil

Engine oil needs to be changed regularly because it will pick up impurities as you use your vehicle, decreasing its lubricating performance. Used engine oil is filled with toxic substances like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other byproducts of engine use. It is a cocktail of toxins that contains heavy metals like lead and arsenic and has a viscous consistency that degrades slowly, which means it can build up and last for years.

Harmful Effects of Used Engine Oil

Oil doesn't dissolve in water, so its effects can’t be diluted. If it’s not disposed of properly, used motor oil can contaminate clean waterways and cause serious harm to people, animals, and plants. If used oil reaches a body of water, it will coat everything in its path with a thick, toxic film of harmful compounds that can interfere with oxygen replenishment and photosynthesis, putting all living things under and above the water at risk. It also can contaminate the water treatment process in sewage plants and make soil less fertile. 

How to Dispose of Oil

Engine oil Kahului HICollect used engine oil in a clean container with a tight, screw-on lid and bring it to your local auto parts store or repair shop. These establishments will send it to a re-refinery to be recycled. If you spill used oil during car maintenance, cover it with kitty litter. After the litter has absorbed the oil, sweep it up and scrub the stain away.

Practicing proper handling and disposal of used engine oil goes a long way toward protecting the environment. If you want to learn more about car parts and maintenance, visit United Auto Parts in Kahului, HI, to speak with one of their auto care experts. Call (808) 871-6272 or visit their website for more information about their engine parts and other products.
