
Having a comfortable and healthy environment in your home is vital to your well-being, so it’s essential to have the best indoor air quality possible. Bates Mechanical in Freedom, IN, offers HVAC maintenance,  and other services to improve your home’s climate, and they will explain how you can tell if the quality of your indoor air has deteriorated.

3 Signs of Declining Indoor Air Quality

1. Inconsistent Airflow

The airflow of your furnace or air conditioning unit can significantly affect the purity of the air you breathe. If you’ve noticed areas of your home have fluctuations in temperature or increased humidity, they probably aren’t receiving proper air circulation. Duct cleaning service could eliminate blockages and dirt from your system.  

2. Allergy Symptoms

Indoor air quality Freedom INIf you’re sensitive to allergens, pay attention to what your body is telling you when symptoms arise. Dust, pollen, and other substances can be more concentrated in a closed-up house than outdoors because they accumulate and have no way to leave. If you can’t stop sneezing in your home, poor indoor air quality could be the reason. Call an HVAC contractor to discuss installing an air filtration system that will keep irritants out of your home.

3. Environmental Changes

Another way to determine whether your indoor air quality is deteriorating is to look around. Things like construction projects, cutting down trees, and flowering plants can change your outdoor environment and affect the air in your home. Arrange a consultation with an HVAC technician to discuss indoor air quality solutions.

Bates Mechanical offers air filtration systems, humidifiers, and other indoor air quality products to help you breathe easier. They also install and maintain heat pumps, furnaces, and air conditioning systems to cover all your HVAC needs. Call (812) 829-3156 to schedule service and visit their website for more information about how they can make your home environment healthier. Follow them on Twitter to receive tips and news from the company.
