
Substance abuse affects more than the addicted individual. From angry partners to worried parents, the effects of substance abuse are felt by everyone, and navigating a loved one’s addiction can be murky waters. Many are unsure whether to take a tough love approach or try for a softer strategy.

The addition counselors at Daymark Recovery Services understand your confusion and offer three tips for handling a family member’s substance abuse. Read on as the offer advice to best help your loved one:

  • substance abuseDo Your Research: The more you know, the more equipped you are to help. Family members of those struggling with substance abuse are urged to take the time to research the illness. Enlist counseling services to help educate the entire family on the nature of addiction. A trained counselor will walk you through the basics of addiction, help you identify signs of addiction, and work with you to develop a strategy for intervention.
  • Create a Net of Support: The key to recovering from a substance abuse problem is support. Use discretion, but speak to family and friends to get everyone on the same page. Talk to a recovery center to learn what support services they provide. Find a qualified professional to help. The more people the substance abuser has in their corner, the less likely they are to stray from recovery.
  • Quietly Observe: The most basic way to help a family member is to remain observant. If you think a family member is struggling with substance abuse, stay alert for signs. Take note of how much alcohol is consumed at a social gathering. Pay attention to details that don’t add up or unexplained absences. Listen when they talk to you. Often, these individuals are asking for help without anyone noticing. 

Whether it’s a sister or son who is struggling with substance abuse, the effects can be devastating. Visit the Daymark Recovery Services website to speak with a trained professional about how to help a loved one.
